

Low level language vs High level language

Low level language vs High level language

Low level language:

    Lets start with the introduction of the low level language and high level language. So, the low level language is the language which is more closer to the processor. How it is more closer to processor and the answer for this is, because there are some stages which any programming follows because we all know processor can only understand the 0 and 1 means on or off. Processor only understands 0 1 because it is made of transistors and the stats of transistors are on or off therefore it follows this machine language.
Therefore there are some stages to convert the language to machine language.  

We uses compiler to convert a high level language to a machine language or low level language to machine language. Now we will take the MIPS as low level language and C++ as high level language to talk that which is more good and we all knows the meaning of good in computers life which is low memory consuming and more fast. So, the straight forward answer between them is low level language is more fast and less memory consuming but there are other many issues which made it less useful which are the following:


Limitation inside low level language are too much such as we cannot make user define data type inside low level language not only this we also cannot use build in functions inside low level language. Therefore, this will be hard to make any software in low level language therefore, due to this reason we mostly uses high level language to build any software, any management system or any game.

Inside low level language we cannot use build in loop but we can make loop by using our logic by using branch statement/if-else statement. Now we should talk about the things which we can use inside the low level language and these are Registers as variable, arrays, if else conditions, functions, arrays, strings, characters etc. These are the things we can use in MIPS and now it depend on us/logic how we can make any other thing.

High level language:

But Now we should talk about the things which we can use in a high level language such as variable, arrays, loops, if else conditions, user defined data type such as classes and structures, file handling to store the data in a hard, build in functions, user defined functions, operator over loading, polymorphism, function overloading, function overriding, inheritance etc As this is clear that, this will be easy to make any software, game or any management system. Here we should use the logic to improve the execution time by using that functions or method which uses less time to execute. In high level language C++ is most fast language in execution but the other languages take more time to execute. 


So, the conclusion for the whole story is this that if you can adjust your software in low level language the it will be good for you to build your software in any assembly language because this software will consume less memory and take less time to execute as compare to any high level language such as c++, c# or any other.


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